Sunday Supper March 29, 2015

In a feature reminiscent of my childhood in which Sunday supper consisted of a smorgasbord of leftovers and a random assortment of other foods, I bring you an assortment of random items of interest from the past week.

  • I watched Unbroken this week and was pleased. It is the story of Olympian and WWII POW Louis Zamperini. It was a good movie and fairly accurate as far as I could tell. You can see more about the movie here. If you’re curious about the accuracy of the movie, there is an interesting article here. As usual, the book by the same name that the movie was based on was even better and I highly recommend it.
  •  Thom Rainer offered some excellent observations about mean churches over on his blog.
  •  Paul Seger, the General Director of Biblical Ministries Worldwide had some helpful and brief thoughts on short term missions trips.
  •  Great article entitled Why You Should Think Twice Before Badmouthing Obama admonishes believers to honor our president regardless of our personal opinion of him. I’m not sure how recent this article is, but I came across it through a friend this week. Good stuff.
  •  My most frequently viewed post this week was Thoughts on Religious Freedom. The impetus for that post was the signing of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act, but I didn’t really comment much on the bill itself. Here is some information from the Gospel Coalition that might prove helpful. To be fair, here is a perspective from a group opposing the bill.

I hope you enjoy this random collection of stuff. What have you been reading or watching that is interesting, enjoyable or helpful?

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